Inspiring the next GENERATION Of Orthopedic


Our mission is to give back through philanthropy, mentorship, training, and education.
Our goal is to increase the number of African Americans in the field of Orthopedic and
Spine Surgery through mentorship, guidance, and hands-on exposure to the field. 


The Thanksgiving Food Giveaway is one of many ways the Webb Family Foundation continues to make a significant impact in San Antonio, helping those who need it most.

There is truly nothing like giving back to the community, as it fosters a sense of belonging, compassion, and shared responsibility. When we contribute to the well-being of others, whether through time, resources, or skills, we create a ripple effect that strengthens the bonds within society. 


Participants engaged in an immersive experience, connecting directly with passionate doctors committed to fostering diversity in healthcare. Attendees didn’t just listen passively; they actively asked questions, shared insights, and gained invaluable perspectives from professionals in their desired fields.

Dr. Webb Health Career Day showcased a multitude of pathways within the medical field, catering to interests ranging from plastic cardiology to nursing and orthopedics. Attendees learned about the unique challenges and triumphs faced by minority healthcare professionals, gaining inspiration from those shaping the future of medicine.

1.9 0 %

The percentage of African American Orthopedic Surgeons in the United States


Less black men applied to medical school than in 1978

0 %

Our dedication to increase this number

The Webb Family Foundation | 501(c)3 non-profit corporation


 Our mission is to give back through philanthropy, mentorship, training, and education.

Fewer than 2% of Orthopedic Surgeons are Black and the field remains 85% white and overwhelmingly male. Demographics have not changed appreciably even as the rest of medicine has become far more diverse. 

We strive to inspire and galvanize diversity in Orthopedic and Spine Surgery.